Monday, December 31, 2012

Regret is a dish best served cold

Regret is cold.  It's calculated.  It eats away at the very heart of a human being.  It can turn even the most optimistic and positive person into a self-loathing maniac.  Regret has ruled my life in 2012, I can't let it in 2013.

In 2012, I only regret two things.  One: That I did not walk away and two: That I did not fight hard enough.  I don't want to go into details.  I want to be vague and withhold the information behind this.  The two regrets I've held onto all year are mine to alone to hoist up on my shoulders.  They're my regrets I have to let go of and I'm the only one who can deal with what they cost me.

I will not let regret rule my heart in 2013.  I refuse to let it.  If I do, it will kill me and it will eat me alive.  It will destroy me until I no longer resemble myself and I can no longer function to the best of my potential.  I have to deal with my issues, deal with the aftermath of 2012 and put one foot in front of the other until I walk the path I was meant to be walk.

I only have two new year's resolutions for 2013: To stop biting my nails and to get in shape.  The latter being imperative to my well-being, both mentally and physically.  I'm tired of being less than what I could be and I'm tired of letting myself believe I don't deserve better.  By bettering myself, the only outcome can be knowing myself better.

I have goals, I'm working towards them and I'm looking forward to 2013.  After all, it can't get much worse than 2012 was to me.

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